New base of operations.                                June 14th, 2008

Okay so we have a new website. This will be the last post from P&H Productions on
Here's the link to our new website:

Unexpected Delays.                                        June 2nd, 2008

Okay so here's the scoop for the few people who actually visit my page. Our second video for P&H Productions was supposed to have been released almost two weeks ago. Unfortunately, our musical aspect of the video is what's causing the delay. Our man in charge of that department, S. Hamilton, was coming along nicely with everything when his editing program shit itself. So now we have to wait until he can get it fixed (and not to sound rude, but he's one of those people who procrastinates a tad bit). So my plan is to make a little shortfilm with my other friend and upload it as a P&H video, just to give our two YouTube subscribers something to watch. Hopefully if everything goes smoothly, that video should be out by next week and hopefully we can get our other video released finally. Anyways, it's late right now and I have a biology test to write in the morning so I'll update you if anything happens.


There should be a new video out soon!       May 19th, 2008

It's been a while since we've made a new video. Well, that's because our latest video is a music video that requires precise timing of video and audio so it's been a tough video to make. We have all the video (except one clip I'm waiting on) and we still need music (which has taken up the majority of the work). Our video should be out by the end of the week and then we'll begin to film our next video. It's an ongoing process, but what isn't these days right? It'll be on YouTube, and


New Video: Bungie's Bike                                  May 6th, 2008

Well P&H Productions has officially released our first video. It's called "Bungie's Bike." Basically it's about two guys driving around on their Mongoose's when they meet a strange person who claims he has a Mongoose exclusive to members of the Bungie team. Check it out in the new section made for P&H videos only.

New video: II PaRiSh II's Second Montage                      May 3rd, 2008

Well everybody, I've officially made my second montage for Halo 3. Personally, I don't think it's as good as my first (it lacks the length, quality of footage, etc..) however, it's still a montage played by me, made by me so I don't give a shit. Speaking of which, some asshole on YouTube commented on it saying this, " Scoped headshots? Omg, you are so good." His YouTube username is lpbb3000. This guy is a real dumbass for a couple of reasons. 1) He criticizes my video saying it's "all the same." Okay well first of all, how in the hell am I going to get that many different Halo 3 kills? Half of the shit that looks cool in that game happens by 99% luck and 1% skill, so I can't really be lucky 99% of the time can I? 2) This is the part that really pisses me off. He said I should (and I quote) " Just stop making videos." Want to know something about Mr. Ipbb3000? HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ANY VIDEOS ON HIS CHANNEL! He tells me to stop making videos, when he doesn't even have ANY! Well how about this Ipbb3000, how about you spend some of your time actually making something to compare to my videos. But I digress. I made a new video. It's in the video section. One love!


Good News!!                                                     April 25th, 2008

I have lots of good news today! Lets start with the smaller things and work our way up shall we? First of all, I don't have school on Friday (booyah motherfuckers!). Second, my friend HaloGenesis and I have decided to start a little production crew and for now it's going to be called P&H Productions. The last and best piece of news is that...I FIGURED OUT HOW TO CAPTURE USING MY HDTV!!! Don't believe me? Here's some proof!


Well hopefully I'll have a new TV within the next two months.                                                                                                        April 22nd, 2008

Well hopefully I'll have a new TV within the next couple of months and I'll be back making Machinima. I think I'm going to change it up though. I think I'm actually going to work on a series so I guess with all this time without a TV to capture with I'll begin writing a script with characters and a plot and everything like that. I've also decided to make another episode of "Shenanigans in Forge" so I'm looking forward to that since I had a blast making the last one. But for my bigger project I want to have a battle between two armies take place in several different locations. The two armies are going to consist of an Elite army and a Spartan army, but who knows. I may change it up. Anyways, I'll see ya'll later!


I lied...                                                                      April 19th, 2008

Well I lied. I still can't capture because my HDTV doesn't recognize my DVD player so the only thing I can do now is find another cheap, small TV that has OUT ports for Video on it. I'm a sad panda.


I may be able to capture once again!           April 19th, 2008

Well I found out a way to hook up my capture card to my HDTV but I'm not sure if it'll work. Basically all I have to do is put my Xbox AV Cables in the IN port on a VCR and then put another AV Cable in the OUT port and hopefully it should work. The only problem is that the last time I found something that I thought would work, it didn't. Anyways, I made a new video a few days ago but it's only a screenshot montage. I did it to inform people that I can't capture for a limited tie, but hopefully if I can hook this thing up through a VCR or DVD player, I can capture once again!


Funny Saturday Night Story!                         April 13th, 2008

So I have an interesting story. It's 2:55am here in Alberta and about 15-20 minutes ago some douche-fags attempted to steal shit from my dad's car. Well apparently my dad was just watching TV and he happened to look out the window and he noticed that the interior lights of his car were on. So he went outside and saw that his car was being broken into. The dumbasses were probably high or drunk but anyways, my dad yells out, "Get the fuck away from my car!" and the shit-heads take off. My dad hopped in his car and chased them around our neighborhood. He drove down our street and turned into the alley. He flipped on his high beams and saw 3 guys fleeing the scene. He revved his engine and sped towards them and at this point they were running for their lives (my dad loves his car) so they escaped via a corner that my dad lost them at. My dad thought to himself, "Well even if I did catch them, what the hell am I gonna do?" Adrenaline pumped and ready to kick ass, my dad drove home and called the cops. I hope they get in shit. It would make my roflcopter go "SOISOISOISOISOISOI!!1" Well, that's my exciting, action-packed story for the weekend.


No more movies for a while...                     April 10th, 2008

Well it seems that my TV has been taken back (I was borrowing it from my mother) so that means I have no more TV with the capability of capturing footage. I'm sure there is a way I can capture using my HDTV but I think I'd have to go out and buy an S-Video cable because my HDTV has no Video OUT ports. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out a way to capture because now how am I gonna make any movies? Oh well. At least this will give me time to think of ideas and write up some stories. Bye for now.


New Videos                           April 8th, 2008

So I basically spent my entire day making a video (which is really, really sad). It took so long because my computer is a piece of shit. It honestly freezes at the most simple task. I had to reset my editing studio at least 10 times to make a friggin' 3 minute video, but I did it and it can be found in the Videos section. It can also be found on my YouTube and GameVee accounts (Please Rate, Comment and Subscribe). My friend xIl ice9 lIx and I are also working on another video. Our friend Ryan Harper (that's his actual gamertag) left for work and he will be gone from anywhere from 11 days to 3 months, so Ice and I decided to make a "We Miss You" video for Mr. Harper. We're gonna get all of our friends in on it and it should hopefully be done by the end of this week. This is no ordinary "We miss you" video though. Basically we're going to be making fun of him in one way or another. For example, he drives a Dodge Neon SRT-4 (and I really hate those cars) so in RSV2 I'll be blowing up Dodge cars telling him how much they suck, etc... Anyways, I'm gonna get going now. It's pretty late. Night.


II PaRiSh II Presents: His own website!      April 6th, 2008

So I was really bored today. It's Sunday. All of my friends are either out of town or working and I was bored. So I hopped on my computer and went to Facebook and I noticed my friends "Bailey and Justina" had their own website where they post stories that they write and I thought to myself "I should make my own website and use it to host videos and screenshots on there." So here it is. My own little paradise! Enjoy!

BTW, here's a link to Bailey and Justina's website:


A little something about me

    Well I'm 16 years old and I'm from Alberta, Canada. I'm currently attending High School and hopefully some day I'll be a member of Canada's Police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. For now I spend the majority of my time hanging out with friends and going to school. I play Basketball and Volleyball. I play video games and I'm an XboxWii60 kinda guy. I love playing Xbox LIVE and talking trash alongside all of my friends. I mostly play games like Rainbow Six Vegas, Halo 3, Call of Duty and other decent shooter games. However, I do play other types of games. Racing, RPG, Fighting, etc... As for the Wii the only game that I really enjoy playing right now is Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
    I like movies, but only if they aren't super lame. Basically I watch movies like Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, Indiana Jones I, II, III and IV. The Star Wars Saga is also very kick-ass. As for TV I watch South Park, Family Guy, Robot Chicken and a bunch of shows from the Discovery Channel. But that's about it for now.

Also check out my YouTube and GameVee pages!